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== <div class="moduleheader">Update</div> ==
== <div class="moduleheader">Update</div> ==
Updates your current status, i.e. it checks for new memos, sets needed channel modes and updates your vhost and your userflags (lastseentime, etc).
:/msg NickServ UPDATE
:/msg NickServ UPDATE
== <div class="moduleheader">GetEmail</div> ==  
== <div class="moduleheader">GetEmail</div> ==  

Revision as of 01:17, 4 March 2015



NickServ Commands

NOTE: Some IRC servers provide an alias for '/msg NickServ' where you can use '/ns' or '/nickserv' in it's place. Some irc networks, though uncommon, may require you to use the full '/msg nickserv@services.networkname.tld COMMAND_HERE Options_here' version of the command


Modifies or displays the access list for your nick. This is the list of addresses which will be automatically recognized by NickServ as allowed to use the nick. If you want to use the nick from a different address, you meed to send an IDENTIFY command to make NickServ recognize you. Services Operators may provide a nick to modify other users' access lists.


See what is on your access list
/msg NickServ ACCESS LIST
Add to your access list
/msg NickServ ACCESS ADD Host@mask.goes.here

Remove entry on your access list
/msg NickServ ACCESS DEL Host@mask.goes.here
IrcOps my specify a nick and remove entries from other peoples access list.
/msg NiskServ ACCESS DEL Nick_here Host@mask.goes.here
/msg NiskServ ACCESS ADD Nick_here Host@mask.goes.here
/msg NickServ ACCESS LIST Nick_here


/msg NickServ ACCESS LIST
/msg NickServ ACCESS ADD Freddy@dreamsaremine.org
/msg NickServ ACCESS DEL Freddy@wakemeup.net


This command manages your auto join list. When you identify you will automatically join the channels on your auto join list. Services Operators may provide a nick to modify other users' auto join lists.


Add to Auto join list
/msg NickServ AJOIN ADD #channel_name channel_entry_password_if_needed
Delete from Auto join list
/msg NickServ AJOIN DEL #channel_name
List your auto join list
/msg NickServ AJOIN LIST
IrcOps my specify a nick and look or change other peoples AJOIN list.
/msg NickServ AJOIN ADD Nick_here #channel_name optional_channel_entry_passowrd_as_needed
/msg NickServ AJOIN DEL Nick_here #channel_name
/msg NickServ AJOIN LIST Nick_here


/msg NickServ AJOIN ADD #DreamScape FreddyLives
/msg NickServ AJOIN ADD #DreamScape
/msg NickServ AJOIN DEL #DreamScape
/msg NickServ AJOIN LIST


Lists all channels you have access on. Channels that have the NOEXPIRE option set will be prefixed by an exclamation mark. The nickname parameter is limited to Services Operators


Standard command
/msg NickServ ALIST
IRC Operator/Services Operator command allows for looking at other people's lists
/msg NickServ nick_here ALIST


/msg NickServ ALIST


Modifies or displays the certificate list for your nick. If you connect to IRC and provide a client certificate with a matching fingerprint in the cert list, your nick will be automatically identified to services. Services Operators may provide a nick to modify other users' certificate lists.

: Not available on all IRC netowrks. Disabled by default.


Add to the Certificate list
/msg NickServ CERT ADD
Remove from the Certificate list
/msg NickServ CERT DEL certificate_fingerprint_here
List available Certificates
/msg NickServ CERT LSIT


/msg NickServ CERT LIST
/msg NickServ CERT DEL f4e5a234b9
/msg NickServ CERT ADD


This command is used by several commands as a way to confirm changes made to your account. This is most commonly used to confirm your email address once you register or change it. This is also used after the RESETPASS command has been used to force identify you to your nick so you may change your password. Additionally, Services Operators with the correct access permissions can replace passcode with a users nick to force validate them.

NOTE: Confirmation codes are case sensitive.


/msg NickServ CONFIRM confirmation_code_goes_here


/msg NickServ CONFIRM H49dlTa9


Drops the currently in-use, and identified for nick from the database. Once your nickname is dropped you may lose all of your access and channels that you may own. Any other user will also have the option to register the nick.

IRC Services Operators, can drop any nick, not just their own.


Standard User
/msg NickServ DROP
Services Operator
/msg NickServ DROP Nick_goes_here


/msg NickServ DROP


This is often times aliased to the "/msg OperServ FORBID" comamnd. See OperServ's FORBID command for details.

NOTE: Access to this command requires the proper permissions to be present in your opertype.


Returns the matching nicks that used given email. Note that you can not use wildcards. Whenever this command is used, a message including the person who issued the command and the email it was used on will be logged.

NOTE: Access to this command requires the proper permissions to be present in your opertype.


/msg NickServ GETEMAIL Email@address.goes.here


/msg NiskServ GETMAIL FreddyK@dreamscape.net


Returns the password for the given nickname. Note that whenever this command is used, a message including the person who issued the command and the nickname it was used on will be logged and sent out as a WALLOPS/GLOBOPS.

NOTE: Access to this command requires the correct permissions to be present in your opertype.


/msg NickServ GETPASS Nick_goes_here


/msg NickServ GETPASS Freddy


This command makes your nickname join the target nickname's group. password is the password of the target nickname.

Joining a group will allow you to share your configuration, memos, and channel privileges with all the nicknames in the group, and much more!

A group exists as long as it is useful. This means that even if a nick of the group is dropped, you won't lose the shared things described above, as long as there is at least one nick remaining in the group.

You may be able to use this command even if you have not registered your nick yet. If your nick is already registered, you'll need to identify yourself before using this command.

It is recommended to use this command with a non-registered nick because it will be registered automatically when using this command. You may use it with a registered nick (to change your group) only if your network administrators allowed it.

You can only be in one group at a time. Group merging is not possible.

Note: all the nicknames of a group have the same password.


/msg NickServ GROUP main_nick_here main_nicks_password_here
/msg NickServ GLIST


/msg NickServ GROUP Freddy IKillPeoleInTheirSleep
/msg NickServ GLIST


Shows a list of commands available to you. If you do not have access to a command, it is normally not shown.


/msg NickServ HELP


/msg NickServ HELP


Tells NickServ that you are really the owner of this nick. Many commands require you to authenticate yourself with this command before you use them. The password should be the same one you sent with the "/msg NickServ REGISTER" command.

NOTE: Some networks alias this command to "/msg NickServ ID"


/msg NickServ IDENTIFY optional_nick_here password_here


/msg NickServ IDENTIFY ISlayInDreams
/msg NickSerc IDENTIFY FreddyK ISlayInDreams


Displays information about the given nickname, such as the nick's owner, last seen address and time, and nick options. If no nick is given, and you are identified, your account name is used, else your current nickname is used.

This information can be masked with several other NickServ settings. See /msg NickServ SET elsewhere on this page.


/msg NickServ INFO optional_nick_here


/msg NickServ INFO
/msg NickServ INFO Freddy


Lists all registered nicknames which match the given pattern, in nick!user@host format. Nicks with the PRIVATE option set will only be displayed to IrcOps with the proper access. Nicks with the NOEXPIRE option set will have a ! prefixed to the nickname for IrcOps to see.

Note that a preceding '#' specifies a range.

If the SUSPENDED, UNCONFIRMED or NOEXPIRE options are given, only nicks which, respectively, are SUSPENDED, UNCONFIRMED or have the NOEXPIRE flag set will be displayed. If multiple options are given, all nicks matching at least one option will be displayed. Note that these options are limited to IrcOps with the correct permissions.

Regex matches are also supported using the regex/posix engine. Enclose your pattern in // if this is desired.


/msg NickServ LIST pattern optional_keyword_SUSPENDED optional_keyword_NOEXPIRE optional_keyword_UNCONFIRMED


/msg NickServ LIST *!joeuser@foo.com
Lists all registered nicks owned by joeuser@foo.com.
/msg NickServ LIST *Bot*!*@*
Lists all registered nicks with Bot in their names (case insensitive).
/msg NickServ LIST * NOEXPIRE
Lists all registered nicks which have been set to not expire.
/msg NickServ LIST #51-100
Lists all registered nicks within the given range (51-100).


Without a parameter, reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command, i.e. make you not recognized as the real owner of the nick anymore. Note, however, that you won't be asked to reidentify yourself.

With a parameter, does the same for the given nick. If you specify REVALIDATE as well, Services will ask the given nick to re-identify. This is limited to Services IrcOps.


/msg NickServ LOGOUT optional_nick_here Optional_word_'REVALIDATE'_here


Standard User
/msg NickServ LOGOUT
IrcOps my specify a nick to remove the identified status of another without notice
/msg NickServ Logout Freddy
IrcOps my specify a nick and REVALIDATE to remove the identified status of another asking them to Re-Identify
/msg NickServ Logout Freddy REVALIDATE


Recovers your nick from another user or from services. If services are currently holding your nick, the hold will be released. If another user is holding your nick and is identified they will be killed (similar to the old GHOST command). If they are not identified they will be forced off of the nick.

* Also sometimes aliased to GHOST and RELEASE for backwards compatibility


/msg NickServ RECOVER Nick_goes_here semi-optional_password_goes_here


/msg NickServ RECOVER Freddy Mypassword


Registers your nickname in the NickServ database. Once your nick is registered, you can use the SET and ACCESS commands to configure your nick's settings as you like them. Make sure you remember the password you use when registering - you'll need it to make changes to your nick later. (Note that case matters! ANOPE, Anope, and anope are all different passwords!)

Note that some networks may make the email address optional, but it is required by default.

Once you have issues the register command, check your email address for a confirmation code. Don't forget to check the trash, junk mail, and spam folders if you do nto receive the email in a reasonable (1 hour?) amount of time. This code expires, as does the registration, if not confirmed, in 1 day by default.


/msg NickServ REGISTER Password_here Email@address.here


/msg NickServ REGISTER MyPassword Freddy@dreamscape.org


*Oper Only







Returns whether the user using the given nickname is recognized as the owner of the nickname. The response has this format:

nickname status-code account

where nickname is the nickname sent with the command, status-code is one of the following, and account is the account they are logged in as.

0 - no such user online or nickname not registered
1 - user not recognized as nickname's owner
2 - user recognized as owner via access list only
3 - user recognized as owner via password identification

If no nickname is given, your status will be returned.


/msg NickServ STATUS Optional_nick_here


/msg NickServ STATUS
/msg NickServ STATUS Freddy


This command ungroups your nick, or if given, the specificed nick, from the group it is in. The ungrouped nick keeps its registration time, password, email, greet, language, and url. Everything else is reset. You may not ungroup yourself if there is only one nick in your group.


/msg NickServ UNGROUP Optional_nick_here


/msg NickServ UNGROUP
/msg NickServ UNGROUP Freddy_K


Updates your current status, i.e. it checks for new memos, sets needed channel modes and updates your vhost and your userflags (lastseentime, etc).


/msg NickServ UPDATE


/msg NickServ UPDATE


*Oper Only




*Oper Only




*Oper Only




*Oper Only

