2.0/Modules/ns ajoin

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Service NickServ
Module ns_ajoin
Author Anope


This command manages your auto join list. When you identify you will automatically join the channels on your auto join list. Services Operators may provide a nick to modify other users' auto join lists.


ajoin ADD [nickname] channel [key]

ajoin DEL [nickname] channel

ajoin LIST [nickname]


/msg nickserv ajoin ADD MyName #help

/msg nickserv ajoin DEL #help

/msg nickserv ajoin LIST

Default Configuration

 * ns_ajoin
 * Provides the command nickserv/ajoin.
 * Used for configuring channels to join once you identify.
        name = "ns_ajoin"
         * The maximum number of channels a user can have on NickServ's AJOIN command.
        ajoinmax = 10
command { service = "NickServ"; name = "AJOIN"; command = "nickserv/ajoin"; }