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Provided Commands Description Syntax ns_access ACCESS Modify the list of authorized addresses ACCESS ADD [nickname] mask
ACCESS DEL [nickname] mask
ACCESS LIST [nickname]ns_ajoin AJOIN Manage your auto join list AJOIN ADD [nickname] channel [key]
AJOIN DEL [nickname] channel
AJOIN LIST [nickname]ns_alist ALIST List channels you have access on ALIST [nickname] ns_cert CERT Modify the nickname client certificate list CERT ADD [nickname] fingerprint
CERT DEL [nickname] fingerprint
CERT LIST [nickname]ns_confirm CONFIRM Confirm a passcode CONFIRM passcode ns_drop DROP Cancel the registration of a nickname DROP nickname ns_getemail GETEMAIL Returns the matching nicks that used given email GETEMAIL email ns_getpass GETPASS Returns the password for the given nickname GETPASS nickname ns_group GROUP Join a group GROUP target password UNGROUP Remove a nick from a group UNGROUP [nick] ns_identify IDENTIFY Identify yourself with your password IDENTIFY [account] password ns_info INFO displays information about a given nickname INFO [nickname] ns_logout LOGOUT Reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command LOGOUT [nickname [REVALIDATE] ] ns_recover RECOVER Regains control of your nick RECOVER nickname [password] RELEASE RELEASE nickname [password] GHOST GHOST nickname [password] ns_register REGISTER Register a nickname REGISTER password email ns_resetpass RESETPASS Helps you reset lost passwords RESETPASS Nickname email ns_set SET Set options, including kill protection. SET options ns_set_misc SET Allows to add additional SET options (like ICQ, AIM, etc) that can be displayed in ns_info SET options ns_status STATUS Returns the owner status of the given nickname STATUS nickname ns_suspend SUSPEND Suspends or Un-Suspens a registered nickname, which prevents/allows it to be used SUSPEND nickanme UNSUSPEND UNSUSPEND nickname ns_update UPDATE Updates your current status, i.e. it checks for new memos UPDATE
Provided Commands Description Syntax cs_access ACCESS Modify the list of privileged users ACCESS #channel ADD mask level
ACCESS #channel DEL {mask or entry-num or list}
ACCESS #channel LIST [mask or list]
ACCESS #channel VIEW [mask or list]
ACCESS #channel CLEARcs_akick AKICK Maintain the AutoKick list AKICK #channel ADD {nick or mask} [reason]
AKICK #channel DEL {nick or mask or entry-num or list}
AKICK #channel LIST [mask or entry-num or list]
AKICK #channel VIEW [mask or entry-num or list]
AKICK #channel CLEARcs_xop AOP
VOPManage the channel xOP lists xOP #channel ADD mask
xOP #channel DEL {mask or entry-num or list}
xOP #channel LIST [mask or list]
xOP #channel CLEARcs_ban BAN Bans a nick or hostmask from a channel BAN #channel [+expiry] {nick or mask} [reason] cs_clone CLONE Copy all settings from one channel to another CLONE #channel #target [what] cs_drop DROP Unregisters the named channel DROP #channel #channel cs_enforce ENFORCE Enforce various channel modes and set options ENFORCE #channel what cs_entrymsg ENTRYMSG Manage the channel's entry messages ENTRYMSG #channel ADD message
ENTRYMSG #channel DEL num
ENTRYMSG #channel CLEARcs_flags FLAGS Modify the list of privileged users FLAGS #channel MODIFY mask changes
FLAGS #channel LIST [mask or +flags]
FLAGS #channel CLEARcs_getkey GETKEY Returns the key of the given channel GETKEY #channel cs_info INFO Returns information about the given channel INFO #channel cs_invite INVITE Invites you or someone else into the channel INVITE #channel [nick] cs_kick KICK Kicks a specified nick or hostmask from the channel KICK #channel {nick or mask} cs_core Internal configuration and definitions. cs_list LIST Give you a list of channels based on the pattern given LIST pattern [SUSPENDED] [NOEXPIRE] cs_log LOG Configures channel logging settings LOG #channel [command method [status] ] cs_mode MODE
DEVOICEControl modes and mode locks on a channel MODE #channel LOCK {ADD or DEL or SET or LIST} [what]
MODE #channel SET modes
MODE #channel CLEAR
OWNER #channel [nick]
DEOWNER #channel [nick]
PROTECT #channel [nick]
DEPROTECT #channel [nick]
OP #channel [nick]
DEOP #channel [nick]
HALFOP #channel [nick]
DEHALFOP #channel [nick]
VOICE #channel [nick]
DEVOICE #channel [nick]cs_register REGISTER Registers a channel REGISTER #channel description cs_set SET Set channel options and information SET #channel options cs_set_misc SET Set channel options and information cs_status STATUS Tells you the users access on a channel STATUS #channel [user] cs_suspend SUSPEND
UNSUSPENDPrevents or releases a channel from being used preserving channel data and settings SUSPEND #channel [+expiry] [reason]
UNSUSPEND #channelcs_sync SYNC Sync users channel modes SYNC #channel cs_topic TOPIC Manipulate the topic of the specified channel TOPIC #channel SET message
TOPIC #channel APPEND message
TOPIC #channel {LOCK or UNLOCK}cs_unban UNBAN Remove all bans preventing a user from entering a channel UNBAN #channel [nick] cs_updown UP
DOWNUpdates a selected nicks status on a channel UP [#channel [nick] ]
DOWN [#channel [nick] ]cs_seen Provides the OperServ statistics for seen users in a channel cs_statusupdate Automatically updates users status on channels when the access list is modified
Provided Commands Description Syntax bs_control ACT Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command ACT #channel text SAY Makes the bot say the given text on the given channel SAY #channel action bs_assign ASSIGN Assigns a bot to a channel ASSIGN #channel BotNick UNASSIGN Unassigns a bot from a channel UNASSIGN #channel bs_badwords BADWORDS Maintains the bad words list BASWORDS #channel ADD word [SINGLE or START or END]
BADWORDS #channel DEL {word or entry-num or list}
BADWORDS #channel LIST [mask or list]
BADWORDS #channel CLEARbs_bot BOT Maintains network bot list BOT ADD nick user host real
BOT CHANGE oldnick newnick [user [host [real] ] ]
BOT DEL nickbs_botlist BOTLIST Lists available bots BOTLIST bs_info INFO Allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot INFO {#channel or nick} bs_kick KICK Configures kickers KICK AMSG #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb]
KICK BADWORDS #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb]
KICK BOLDS #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb]
KICK CAPS #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb [min [percent] ] ]
KICK COLORS #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb]
KICK FLOOD #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb [ln [secs] ] ]
KICK ITALICS #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb]
KICK REPEAT #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb [num] ]
KICK REVERSES #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb]
KICK UNDERLINES #channel {ON or OFF} [tbb]bs_set SET Configures bot options SET options
Provided Commands Description Syntax ms_cancel CANCEL Cancel the last memo you sent CANCEL {nick or #channel} ms_check CHECK Checks if last memo to a nick was read CHECK nick ms_del DEL Delete a memo or memos DEL [#channel] {num or list or LAST or ALL} ms_ignore IGNORE Manage the memo ignore list IGNORE [#channel] ADD entry
IGNORE [#channel] DEL entry
IGNORE [#channel] LISTms_info INFO Displays information about your memos INFO [nick or #channel] ms_list LIST List your memos LIST [#channel] [list or NEW] ms_read READ Read a memo or memos READ [#channel] {num or list or LAST or NEW} ms_rsend RSEND Sends a memo and requests a read receipt RSEND [nick / channel] memo-text ms_send SEND Send a memo to a nick or channel SEND [nick / channel] memo-text ms_sendall SENDALL Send a memo to all registered users SENDALL memo-text ms_set SET Set options related to memos SET option parameters ms_staff STAFF Send a memo to all opers/admins STAFF memo-text
Provided Commands Description Syntax hs_del DEL Delete the vhost of another user DEL nick</inc> DELALL Delete the vhost for all nicks in a group DELLALL <ins>nick hs_group GROUP Syncs the vhost for all nicks in a group GROUP hs_list LIST Displays one or more vhost entries LIST [key or #X-Y] hs_off OFF Deactivates your assigned vhost OFF hs_on ON Activates your assigned vhost ON hs_request ACTIVATE Approve the requested vHost of a user ACTIVATE nick REJECT Reject the requested vHost of a user REJECT nick [reason] REQUEST Request a vHost for your nick REQUEST virtual-host WAITING Retrieves the vhost requests WAITING hs_set SET Set the vhost of another user SET nick hostmask SETALL Set the vhost for all nicks in a group SETALL nick hostmask
Provided Commands Description Syntax os_akill AKILL Manipulate the AKILL list AKILL ADD [+expiry] mask reason
AKILL DEL {mask or entry-num or list or id}
AKILL LIST [mask or list or id]
AKILL VIEW [mask or list or id]
AKILL CLEARos_chankill CHANKILL AKILL all users on a specific channel CHANKILL [+expiry] #channel reason os_config CONFIG View and change configuration file settings CONFIG {MODIFY or VIEW} [block name item name item value] os_defcon DEFCON Manipulate the DefCon system DEFCON [1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5] os_dns DNS Manuipulate the DNS Server DNS ADDZONE zone.name
DNS DELZONE zone.name
DNS ADDSERVER server.name [zone.name]
DNS DELSERVER server.name [zone.name]
DNS ADDIP server.name ip.address
DNS DELIP server.name ip.address
DNS SET server.name option value
DNS POOL server.name
DNS DEPOOL server.nameos_forbid FORBID Forbid usage of nicknames, channels, and emails FORBID ADD {NICK or CHAN or EMAIL or REGISTER} [+expiry] entry reason
FORBID LIST [NICK or CHAN or EMAIL or REGISTER]os_ignore IGNORE Modify the Services ignore list IGNORE ADD expiry {nick or mask} [reason]
IGNORE DEL {nick or mask}
IGNORE CLEARos_info INFO Associate oper info with a nick or channel INFO ADD target info
INFO DEL target info
INFO CLEAR targetos_jupe JUPE "Jupiter" a server JUPE server [reason] os_kick KICK Kick a user from a channel KICK channel user reason os_kill KILL Kill a user KILL user [reason] os_list CHANLIST
USERLISTList all users or channels on the network CHANLIST [{pattern or nick} [SECRET] ]
USERLIST [{pattern or #channel} [INVISIBLE] ]os_login LOGIN
LOGOUTLogin to OperServ LOGIN password
LOGOUTos_logsearch LOGSEARCH Searches logs for a matching pattern LOGSEARCH [+daysd] [+limitl] pattern os_mode MODE Change channel modes MODE #channel modes
MODE #channel CLEAR [ALL]os_modinfo MODINFO
MODLISTInfo about a loaded module MODINFO modname
MODLIST [all or third or vendor or extra or database or encryption or pseudoclient or protocol]os_module MODLOAD
MODUNLOADLoad or Unload modules MODLOAD modname
MODUNLOAD modnameos_news NEWS Define messages to be shown to users who oper LOGONNEWS ADD text
RANDOMNEWS LISTos_noop NOOP Remove all operators from a server remotely NOOP SET server
NOOP REVOKE serveros_oline OLINE Give Operflags to a certain user OLINE nick flags os_oper OPER View and change Services Operators OPER ADD nick opertype
OPER INFO opertype
OPER LISTos_reload RELOAD Reload services' configuration file RELOAD os_session SESSION View the list of host sessions SESSION LIST threshold
SESSION VIEW hostos_set SET Set various global Services options SET READONLY {ON or OFF}
QUITTerminate services with save SHUTDOWN
QUITos_stats STATS Show status of Services and networ STATS [AKILL or HASH or UPLINK or UPTIME or ALL or RESET] os_svs SVSNICK
SVSPARTForcibly alter user's nick/channel SVSNICK nick newnick
SVSJOIN nick #channel
SVSPART nick #channelos_sxline SNLINE
SQLINEManipulate the SxLINE list SNLINE ADD [+expiry<?ins>] <ins>mask:reason
SQLINE ADD [+expiry] mask reason
SxLINE DEL DEL {mask or entry-num or list or id}
SxLINE LIST [mask or list or id]
SxLINE VIEW [mask or list or id]
SxLINe CLEARos_update UPDATE Force the Services databases to be updated immediately UPDATE
Default Client Name Module Prefix Description NickServ NickServ ns_ Nickname registration service ChanServ ChanServ cs_ Channel registration service BotServ BotServ bs_ Bot management service MemoServ MemoServ ms_ Memo management service HostServ HostServ hs_ vHost management service OperServ OperServ os_ Ircop assistant service
Description bahamut Communications interface for the Bahamut IRCd. charybdis Communications interface for the Charybdis IRCd. inspircd12 Communications interface for the Inspire version 1.2 IRCd. inspircd20 Communications interface for the Inspire version 2.0 and above IRCd. ngircd Communications interface for the Ngircd IRCd. plexus Communications interface for the Plexus IRCd. ratbox Communications interface for the Ratbox IRCd. unreal Communications interface for the Unreal IRCd.
Description enc_bcrypt One way encryption using the blowfish hashing system. enc_md5 One-way encryption MD5 enc_none For plain text passwords. NOT RECOMMENDED Except to convert from them to another. enc_old Database compatibility with broken MD5 passwords prior anope 1.7.17 enc_sha1 One-way encryption SHA1 enc_sha256 One-way encryption SHA256 with random initialization vector
Description m_ldap_authentication allows many commands such as IDENTIFY, RELEASE, RECOVER, GHOST, etc. use LDAP to authenticate users. Requires m_ldap. m_ldap allows other modules to use LDAP. By itself, this module does nothing useful. m_ldap_oper dynamically ties users to Anope opertypes when they identify via LDAP group membership. Requires m_ldap. m_mysql allows other modules to use MySQL. By itself, this module does nothing useful. m_sql m_sql_live Stored services data in a mysql database and uses that for maintaining services. m_redis allows other modules to use Redis. By itself, this module does nothing useful. m_sql_authentication allows authenticating users against an external SQL database using a custom query. Requires m_rdis, m_mysql, or m_sqlite m_sqlite allows other modules to use SQLite. By itself, this module does nothing useful. m_sql_log adds an additional target option to log{} blocks that allows logging Service's logs to SQL. Requies m_mysql m_sql_oper allows granting users services operator privileges and possibly IRC Operator privileges based on an external SQL database using a custom query. Requires m_mysql irc2sql Stores channel statistics in a mysql database. Requires m_mysql
Extra Modules
Description bs_autoassign Allows service bots to be automatically assigned to channels upon registration. cs_statusupdate This module automatically updates users status on channels when the channel's access list is modified. m_regex_pcre Provides the regex engine regex/pcre, which uses the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library. Requires PCRE library, not included with the anope distribution. m_regex_posix Provides the regex engine regex/posix, which uses the POSIX compliant regular expressions. Does not require external liraries. m_regex_tre Provides the regex engine regex/tre, which uses the TRE regex library. Requires the TRE library, not included with the anope distribution. m_sasl_dh-aes Add the DH-AES mechanism to SASL. Requires m_sasl. Requires openssl. m_sasl_dh-blowfish Add the DH-BLOWFISH mechanism to SASL. Requires m_sasl. Requires openssl. m_ssl_gnutls This module provides SSL services to Anope using GnuTLS, for example to connect to the uplink server(s) via SSL. m_ssl_openssl This module provides SSL services to Anope using OpenSSL. m_dnsbl Allows configurable DNS blacklists to check connecting users against. m_dns Adds support for the DNS protocol. By itself this module does nothing useful, but other modules such as m_dnsbl and os_dns require this. m_helpchan Gives users who are op in the specified help channel usermode +h (helpop) m_httpd llows services to serve web pages. By itself, this module does nothing useful. m_proxyscan This module allows you to scan connecting clients for open proxies. m_rewrite Allows rewriting commands sent to/from clients. m_sasl Some IRCds allow "SASL" authentication to let users identify to Services during the IRCd user registration process. m_xmlrpc Allows remote applications (websites) to execute queries in real time to retrieve data from Anope. By itself, this module does nothing useful. Requires m_httpd. m_xmlrpc_main Adds the main XMLRPC core functions. Requires m_xmlrpc. webcpanel creates a web configuration panel that allows users and operators to perform any task as they could over IRC Requires m_httpd.
Stats Modules
Description m_chanstats Channel Statistics. Requires Chanserv, Nickserv, BotServ, and m_mysql
Contributed Modules
- See [1] for 3rd party modules.
- How to install a module
- Download your module into modules/third/.
- Run ./Config (again) to generate correct makefiles
- Type: cd build
- Type: make install
- Update your config files in services/conf/
- Issue a /msg operserv restart, or use /operserv modload <module_name> to load the new module.