2.0/Modules/m dnsbl

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Section Extra_Modules
Module m_dnsbl
Author Anope


Allows configurable DNS blacklists to check connecting users against. If a user is found on the blacklist they will be immediately banned.

Name of module.
If set, Services will check clients against the DNSBLs when services connect to its uplink. NOT recommended
If set, Services will check clients when coming back from a netsplit. NOT recommended
If set, OperServ will add clients found in the DNSBL to the akill list. Without it, OperServ simply sends a timed G/K-line to the IRCd and forgets about it.
blacklist {...} 
Blacklist address to check against
How long to set the ban
Reason for kill
Replies to ban, and Ban reason, see default configuration below for details. (optional)

Default Configuration

 * m_dnsbl
 * Allows configurable DNS blacklists to check connecting users against. If a user
 * is found on the blacklist they will be immediately banned. This is a crucial module
 * to prevent bot attacks.
        name = "m_dnsbl"
         * If set, Services will check clients against the DNSBLs when services connect to its uplink.
         * This is not recommended, and on large networks will open a very large amount of DNS queries.
         * Whilst services are not drastically affected by this, your nameserver/DNSBL might care.
        check_on_connect = no
         * If set, Services will check clients when coming back from a netsplit. This can cause a large number
         * of DNS queries open at once. Whilst services are not drastically affected by this, your nameserver/DNSBL
         * might care.
        check_on_netburst = no
         * If set, OperServ will add clients found in the DNSBL to the akill list. Without it, OperServ simply sends
         * a timed G/K-line to the IRCd and forgets about it. Can be useful if your akill list is being fill up by bots.
        add_to_akill = yes
                /* Name of the blacklist. */
                name = "rbl.efnetrbl.org"
                /* How long to set the ban for. */
                time = 4h
                /* Reason for akill.
                 * %n is the nick of the user
                 * %u is the ident/username of the user
                 * %g is the realname of the user
                 * %h is the hostname of the user
                 * %i is the IP of the user
                 * %r is the reason (configured below). Will be nothing if not configured.
                 * %N is the network name set in networkinfo:networkname
                reason = "You are listed in the efnet RBL, visit http://rbl.efnetrbl.org/?i=%i for info"
                /* Replies to ban and their reason. If this is totally omitted all replies get banned. */
                1 = "Open Proxy"
                /* Don't ban for result 2 or 3 */
                #2 = "spamtrap666"
                #3 = "spamtrap50"
                4 = "TOR"
                5 = "Drones / Flooding"
                name = "dnsbl.dronebl.org"
                time = 4h
                reason = "You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded?ip=%i&network=%N"