2.0/Modules/ns set misc

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Service NickServ
Module ns_set_misc
Author Anope


Sets various nickname options. option can be one of:

SET FACEBOOK Associate a Facebook account with your account
SET ICQ Associate an ICQ account with your account
SET TWITTER Associate a Twitter account with your account
SET URL Associate a URL with your account


Associates the given Facebook Name with your nickname. This ID will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the nickname with the INFO command.
Associates the given ICQ Account with your nickname. This ID Number will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the nickname with the INFO command.
SET TWITTER twitter-handle
Associates the given twitter handle with your nickname. This name will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the nickname with the INFO command.
SET URL web-address
Associates the given Website URL with your nickname. This address will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the nickname with the INFO command.


/msg NickServ SET ICQ 1203314

/msg NickServ SET FACEBOOK FredFlinstoner

/msg NickServ SET TWITTER @FredFlinstoner

/msg NickServ SET URL Http://www.fred-flinstoner.tv

Default Configuration

 * ns_set_misc                                                                                                    
 * Provides the command nickserv/set/misc.                                                                        
 * Allows you to create arbitrary commands to set data, and have that data show up in nickserv/info.              
 * A field named misc_description may be given for use with help output.                                          
module { name = "ns_set_misc" }                                                                                   
command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SET URL"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a URL with your account"); }
command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SASET URL"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a URL with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/url"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
#command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SET ICQ"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate an ICQ account with your account"); }
#command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SASET ICQ"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate an ICQ account with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/icq"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
#command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SET TWITTER"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Twitter account with your account"); }
#command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SASET TWITTER"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Twitteraccount with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/twitter"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
#command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SET FACEBOOK"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Facebook URL with your account"); }
#command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SASET FACEBOOK"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Facebook URL with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/facebook"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }