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Section Protocol
Module ratbox
Author Anope


  • NOTE: You must select the correct protocol for your IRCd. The wrong one will cause unpredictable results, the best of which will be that you are unable to connect to your ircd.

Default Configuration

 * [REQUIRED] Protocol module
 * This directive tells Anope which IRCd Protocol to speak when connecting.
 * You MUST modify this to match the IRCd you run.
 * Supported:
 *  - bahamut
 *  - charybdis
 *  - hybrid
 *  - inspircd12
 *  - inspircd20
 *  - ngircd
 *  - plexus
 *  - ratbox
 *  - unreal
        name = "inspircd20"
         * Some protocol modules can enforce mode locks server-side. This reduces the spam caused by
         * services immediately reversing mode changes for locked modes.
         * If the protocol module you have loaded does not support this, this setting will have no effect.
        use_server_side_mlock = yes
         * Some protocol modules can enforce topic locks server-side. This reduces the spam caused by
         * services immediately reversing topic changes.
         * If the protocol module you have loaded does not support this, this setting will have no effect.
        use_server_side_topiclock = yes